ALN Staff


Mrs Chidley

ALN Co-ordinator 

Healthcare Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs Jackson

Senior Teaching Assistant

Second in Department

Mrs Thompson

Senior Teaching Assistant

Interventions Lead

Mrs Farnham

Senior Teaching Assistant

ALN Emotional Health & Well-being Lead

Mr Boardman

Senior Teaching Assistant

ALN Well-being and Inclusion

Mrs Lee

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) / Learning Support

Mrs James

ELKLAN / Learning Support

Mrs Norman

ELKLAN / Learning Support

Mrs Hopkins

Talkabout / ELKLAN / THRIVE

Learning Support

The staff and governors of Corpus Christi Catholic High School are wholly committed to pursuing a policy of inclusive education that welcomes and supports learners with learning and healthcare needs. Our aim is to ensure that all learners are able to access their education in a supportive environment, which is sensitive to their needs.

We do this by offering a number of support interventions and plans which are bespoke to the child in need. At Corpus Christi, we currently run 36 interventions covering literacy and numeracy difficulties, emotional health and well-being, social, communication difficulties and physical needs.

All of our interventions are led by trained professionals and are consistent with primary school provision and local authority guidelines. Early identification, assessment and tracking is robust and outcomes are excellent.

At Key stage 3 we also offer a structured reading and mathematics programmes, and at KS4 a bespoke options programme is put in place to meet the needs of our ALN pupils. This is to ensure that every child at Corpus Christi leaves with a range of skills and qualifications.